🛫Future Directions

Extensions are very much in beta, and still lack a fair number of things to have full potential. Things to be added include:

  • Full Stable Bidirectionality and Multimedia: letting an extension request to prompt for image/video/TTS of its own accord rather than being response-only

  • Scheduling: Letting an extension exist outside of a chat with some concept of either cronlike scheduling or an activation threshold equation

  • Multi-platform: An extension written works on web and mobile out of the box, but it would be better if it could also work across different messaging apps, in VR, etc.

  • Other languages/frameworks: React was chosen due to its forgiving learning curve and mass adoption/familiarity to the most people, but it is not some strictly optimal choice. Libraries can trivially be written to support e.g. use with compiled languages through wasm.

Any other thoughts or ideas are very welcome.

Email: lore@chub.ai

Telegram: https://t.me/lore500ng

Discord: lloorree

Reddit: The subreddit or /u/Lore_CH

Last updated